ErrorException {#419
  #message: "Trying to get property of non-object (View: /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/views/public/item/detail.blade.php)"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php"
  #line: 12
  -previous: ErrorException {#418
    #message: "Trying to get property of non-object"
    #code: 0
    #file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php"
    #line: 12
    #severity: E_NOTICE
    -trace: {
      65. Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleError() ==> new ErrorException(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php:12: """
            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4">\n
              <img src="<?php echo e(asset($item->image)); ?>" class="img-responsive center-block" alt="">\n
      64. include() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleError(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php:12: """
            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4">\n
              <img src="<?php echo e(asset($item->image)); ?>" class="img-responsive center-block" alt="">\n
        args: array:5 [
          0 => 8
          1 => "Trying to get property of non-object"
          2 => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php"
          3 => 12
          4 => array:8 [
            "__path" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php"
            "__data" => array:5 [
              "__env" => Factory {#114
                #engines: EngineResolver {#106
                  #resolvers: array:2 [
                    "php" => Closure {#109 …4}
                    "blade" => Closure {#111 …5}
                  #resolved: array:1 [
                    "blade" => CompilerEngine {#115
                      #compiler: BladeCompiler {#116
                        #extensions: []
                        #customDirectives: array:2 [
                          "permission" => Closure {#108 …5}
                          "endpermission" => Closure {#117 …5}
                        #path: null
                        #compilers: array:4 [
                          0 => "Extensions"
                          1 => "Statements"
                          2 => "Comments"
                          3 => "Echos"
                        #rawTags: array:2 [
                          0 => "{!!"
                          1 => "!!}"
                        #contentTags: array:2 [
                          0 => "{{"
                          1 => "}}"
                        #escapedTags: array:2 [
                          0 => "{{{"
                          1 => "}}}"
                        #echoFormat: "e(%s)"
                        #footer: []
                        #verbatimPlaceholder: "@__verbatim__@"
                        #verbatimBlocks: []
                        #forelseCounter: 0
                        #files: Filesystem {#113}
                        #cachePath: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views"
                      #lastCompiled: array:1 [
                        0 => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/views/public/item/detail.blade.php"
                #finder: FileViewFinder {#112
                  #files: Filesystem {#113}
                  #paths: array:1 [
                    0 => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/views"
                  #views: array:1 [
                    "public.item.detail" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/views/public/item/detail.blade.php"
                  #hints: []
                  #extensions: array:2 [
                    0 => "blade.php"
                    1 => "php"
                #events: Dispatcher {#5
                  #container: Application {#3
                    #basePath: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni"
                    #hasBeenBootstrapped: true
                    #booted: true
                    #bootingCallbacks: array:2 [
                      0 => Closure {#122
                        class: "Illuminate\Foundation\Application"
                        this: Application {#3}
                        use: { …1}
                        file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php"
                        line: "674 to 676"
                      1 => Closure {#127
                        class: "Illuminate\Foundation\Application"
                        this: Application {#3}
                        use: { …1}
                        file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php"
                        line: "674 to 676"
                    #bootedCallbacks: array:1 [
                      0 => Closure {#139
                        class: "Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\RouteServiceProvider"
                        this: RouteServiceProvider {#103
                          #namespace: "App\Http\Controllers"
                          #app: Application {#3}
                          #defer: false
                        use: { …1}
                        file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Support/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php"
                        line: "33 to 35"
                    #terminatingCallbacks: []
                    #serviceProviders: array:20 [
                      0 => EventServiceProvider {#2
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      1 => RoutingServiceProvider {#7
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      2 => AuthServiceProvider {#36 …}
                      3 => CookieServiceProvider {#47
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      4 => DatabaseServiceProvider {#50
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      5 => EncryptionServiceProvider {#57
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      6 => FilesystemServiceProvider {#59
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      7 => FoundationServiceProvider {#64
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      8 => PaginationServiceProvider {#65
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      9 => SessionServiceProvider {#68
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      10 => ViewServiceProvider {#72
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      11 => ImageServiceProvider {#76
                        #defer: false
                        #provider: ImageServiceProviderLaravel5 {#77 …2}
                        #app: Application {#3}
                      12 => ServiceProvider {#80
                        #defer: false
                        #app: Application {#3}
                      13 => ExcelServiceProvider {#83
                        #defer: false
                        #app: Application {#3}
                      14 => AppServiceProvider {#100
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      15 => AuthServiceProvider {#101
                        #policies: array:1 [ …1]
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      16 => EventServiceProvider {#102
                        #listen: array:1 [ …1]
                        #subscribe: []
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #defer: false
                      17 => RouteServiceProvider {#103}
                      18 => ValidationServiceProvider {#119
                        #defer: true
                        #app: Application {#3}
                      19 => TranslationServiceProvider {#124
                        #defer: true
                        #app: Application {#3}
                    #loadedProviders: array:20 [
                      "Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FoundationServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider" => true
                      "Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProvider" => true
                      "Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider" => true
                      "Maatwebsite\Excel\ExcelServiceProvider" => true
                      "App\Providers\AppServiceProvider" => true
                      "App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider" => true
                      "App\Providers\EventServiceProvider" => true
                      "App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider" => true
                      "Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider" => true
                    #deferredServices: array:85 [
                      "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastManager" => "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Factory" => "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster" => "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider"
                      "Illuminate\Bus\Dispatcher" => "Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher" => "Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\QueueingDispatcher" => "Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider"
                      "cache" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
                      "" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
                      "memcached.connector" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
                      "command.cache.clear" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
                      "command.clear-compiled" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.auth.resets.clear" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.config.cache" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.config.clear" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.down" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.environment" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.key.generate" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.optimize" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.route.cache" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.route.clear" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.route.list" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.tinker" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.up" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.view.clear" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.auth.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.cache.table" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.console.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.controller.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.event.generate" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.event.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.job.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.listener.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.middleware.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.model.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.policy.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.provider.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.queue.failed-table" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.queue.table" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.request.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.seeder.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.session.table" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.serve" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.test.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.vendor.publish" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleRunCommand" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "migrator" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "migration.repository" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.migrate" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.migrate.rollback" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.migrate.reset" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.migrate.refresh" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.migrate.install" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.migrate.status" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "migration.creator" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.migrate.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "seeder" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.seed" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "composer" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.queue.failed" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.queue.retry" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.queue.forget" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "command.queue.flush" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
                      "hash" => "Illuminate\Hashing\HashServiceProvider"
                      "mailer" => "Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider"
                      "swift.mailer" => "Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider"
                      "swift.transport" => "Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline\Hub" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\PipelineServiceProvider"
                      "queue" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
                      "queue.worker" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
                      "queue.listener" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
                      "queue.failer" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
                      "" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
                      "command.queue.listen" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
                      "command.queue.restart" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
                      "queue.connection" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
                      "redis" => "Illuminate\Redis\RedisServiceProvider"
                      "auth.password" => "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider"
                      "" => "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider"
                      "translation.loader" => "Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider"
                      "validation.presence" => "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider"
                      "html" => "Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider"
                      "form" => "Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider"
                      "Collective\Html\HtmlBuilder" => "Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider"
                      "Collective\Html\FormBuilder" => "Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider"
                    #monologConfigurator: null
                    #databasePath: null
                    #storagePath: null
                    #environmentPath: null
                    #environmentFile: ".env"
                    #namespace: null
                    #resolved: array:37 [
                      "events" => true
                      "router" => true
                      "App\Http\Kernel" => true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\DetectEnvironment" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\ConfigureLogging" => true
                      "env" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterFacades" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders" => true
                      "db.factory" => true
                      "db" => true
                      "view.engine.resolver" => true
                      "files" => true
                      "view.finder" => true
                      "view" => true
                      "blade.compiler" => true
                      "translation.loader" => true
                      "translator" => true
                      "validation.presence" => true
                      "validator" => true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate" => true
                      "url" => true
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode" => true
                      "encrypter" => true
                      "App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies" => true
                      "cookie" => true
                      "Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse" => true
                      "session" => true
                      "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession" => true
                      "Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession" => true
                      "App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken" => true
                      "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController" => true
                      "App\Exceptions\Handler" => true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler" => true
                    #bindings: array:49 [
                      "events" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#4 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "router" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#9 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "url" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#11 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "redirect" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#13 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#14 …5}
                        "shared" => false
                      "Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#15 …5}
                        "shared" => false
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#16 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#17 …6}
                        "shared" => true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#18 …6}
                        "shared" => true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#19 …6}
                        "shared" => true
                      "env" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#29 …5}
                        "shared" => false
                      "auth" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#37 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "auth.driver" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#38 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#34 …5}
                        "shared" => false
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#33 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "cookie" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#49 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "Faker\Generator" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#51 …4}
                        "shared" => true
                      "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#52 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\EntityResolver" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#53 …4}
                        "shared" => true
                      "db.factory" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#54 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "db" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#55 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "db.connection" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#56 …5}
                        "shared" => false
                      "encrypter" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#58 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "files" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#60 …4}
                        "shared" => true
                      "filesystem" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#61 …4}
                        "shared" => true
                      "filesystem.disk" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#62 …4}
                        "shared" => true
                      "" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#63 …4}
                        "shared" => true
                      "session" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#69 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#70 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#71 …6}
                        "shared" => true
                      "view.engine.resolver" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#73 …4}
                        "shared" => true
                      "view.finder" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#74 …5}
                        "shared" => false
                      "view" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#75 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "image" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#79 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "dompdf" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#81 …5}
                        "shared" => false
                      "dompdf.wrapper" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#82 …5}
                        "shared" => false
                      "excel.identifier" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#85 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "excel.parsers.css" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#87 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "excel.reader" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#89 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "excel.readers.html" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#91 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "excel.parsers.view" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#93 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "phpexcel" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#95 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "excel.writer" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#97 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "excel" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#99 …6}
                        "shared" => false
                      "blade.compiler" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#110 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "validation.presence" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#120 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "validator" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#121 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "translation.loader" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#125 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                      "translator" => array:2 [
                        "concrete" => Closure {#126 …5}
                        "shared" => true
                    #instances: array:33 [
                      "app" => Application {#3}
                      "Illuminate\Container\Container" => Application {#3}
                      "events" => Dispatcher {#5}
                      "path" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/app"
                      "path.base" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni"
                      "path.lang" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/lang"
                      "path.config" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/config"
                      "path.public" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/public"
                      "" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage"
                      "path.database" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/database"
                      "path.bootstrap" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/bootstrap"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel" => Kernel {#25 …}
                      "request" => Request {#40
                        #json: null
                        #convertedFiles: null
                        #userResolver: Closure {#240
                          class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
                          this: AuthServiceProvider {#36 …}
                          parameters: {
                            $guard: {
                              default: null
                          use: {
                            $app: Application {#3}
                          file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/AuthServiceProvider.php"
                          line: "85 to 87"
                        #routeResolver: Closure {#303
                          class: "Illuminate\Routing\Router"
                          this: Router {#24
                            #events: Dispatcher {#5}
                            #container: Application {#3}
                            #routes: RouteCollection {#26
                              #routes: array:6 [
                                "GET" => array:67 [ …67]
                                "HEAD" => array:67 [ …67]
                                "POST" => array:20 [ …20]
                                "PUT" => array:3 [ …3]
                                "PATCH" => array:3 [ …3]
                                "DELETE" => array:5 [ …5]
                              #allRoutes: array:86 [
                                "HEADcrud" => Route {#140 …10}
                                "HEADforms" => Route {#142 …10}
                                "HEADlayout" => Route {#144 …10}
                                "HEADothers" => Route {#146 …10}
                                "HEAD/" => Route {#149 …10}
                                "HEADmanage" => Route {#152 …10}
                                "POSTlogin_staff_process" => Route {#153 …10}
                                "HEADdashboard" => Route {#156 …10}
                                "HEADstaff_logout" => Route {#158 …10}
                                "HEADstaff_profile" => Route {#159 …10}
                                "POSTstaff_profile/update" => Route {#160 …10}
                                "HEADgenerate" => Route {#161 …10}
                                "HEADcheck/item/{id}" => Route {#162 …10}
                                "HEADcheck/item_variants_opt/{id}" => Route {#163 …10}
                                "HEADnotifikasi" => Route {#164 …10}
                                "HEADnotifikasi/edit/{id}" => Route {#165 …10}
                                "DELETEmanage/backup" => Route {#167 …10}
                                "DELETEmanage/level" => Route {#168 …10}
                                "HEADmanage/level/create" => Route {#169 …10}
                                "POSTmanage/level/save" => Route {#170 …10}
                                "HEADmanage/level/edit/{id}" => Route {#171 …10}
                                "POSTmanage/level/update/{id}" => Route {#172 …10}
                                "DELETEmanage/level/{id}" => Route {#173 …10}
                                "HEADmanage/staff" => Route {#174 …10}
                                "HEADmanage/staff/add" => Route {#175 …10}
                                "POSTmanage/staff/save" => Route {#176 …10}
                                "HEADmanage/staff/edit/{id}" => Route {#177 …10}
                                "POSTmanage/staff/update/{id}" => Route {#178 …10}
                                "HEADmanage/staff/delete/{id}" => Route {#179 …10}
                                "DELETEmaster/category" => Route {#180 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/category/create" => Route {#181 …10}
                                "POSTmaster/category/save" => Route {#182 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/category/edit/{id}" => Route {#183 …10}
                                "POSTmaster/category/update/{id}" => Route {#184 …10}
                                "DELETEmaster/category/{id}" => Route {#185 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/size" => Route {#186 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/size/add" => Route {#187 …10}
                                "POSTmaster/size/save" => Route {#188 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/size/edit/{id}" => Route {#189 …10}
                                "POSTmaster/size/update/{id}" => Route {#190 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/size/delete/{id}" => Route {#191 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/item" => Route {#192 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/item/add" => Route {#193 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/item/edit/{id}" => Route {#194 …10}
                                "POSTmaster/item/save/{id?}" => Route {#195 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/item/delete/{id}" => Route {#196 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/item/delete_var/{id}/{red}" => Route {#197 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/item/add_variants" => Route {#198 …10}
                                "POSTmaster/item/save_variants" => Route {#199 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/item/publish/{id}" => Route {#200 …10}
                                "HEADmaster/item/unpublish/{id}" => Route {#201 …10}
                                "HEADpage/slideshow" => Route {#202 …10}
                                "HEADpage/slideshow/add" => Route {#203 …10}
                                "HEADpage/slideshow/edit/{id}" => Route {#204 …10}
                                "POSTpage/slideshow/save/{id?}" => Route {#205 …10}
                                "HEADpage/slideshow/delete/{id}" => Route {#206 …10}
                                "HEADpage/slideshow/publish/{id}" => Route {#207 …10}
                                "HEADpage/slideshow/unpublish/{id}" => Route {#208 …10}
                                "HEADpage/testimony" => Route {#209 …10}
                                "HEADpage/testimony/add" => Route {#210 …10}
                                "HEADpage/testimony/edit/{id}" => Route {#211 …10}
                                "POSTpage/testimony/save/{id?}" => Route {#212 …10}
                                "HEADpage/testimony/delete/{id}" => Route {#213 …10}
                                "HEADpage/order" => Route {#214 …10}
                                "HEADpage/order/detail/{id}" => Route {#215 …10}
                                "HEADhome" => Route {#154 …10}
                                "HEADtestimoni" => Route {#166 …10}
                                "HEADkontak" => Route {#216 …10}
                                "HEADorder" => Route {#217 …10}
                                "POSTkontak/store" => Route {#218 …10}
                                "POSTorder/store" => Route {#219 …10}
                                "HEADorder/size/{id}" => Route {#220 …10}
                                "HEADorder/item" => Route {#221 …10}
                                "HEADitem/list/{id?}" => Route {#222 …10}
                                "HEADitem/detail/{id}" => Route {#223
                                  #uri: "item/detail/{id}"
                                  #methods: array:2 [
                                    0 => "GET"
                                    1 => "HEAD"
                                  #action: array:7 [
                                    "middleware" => array:1 [
                                      0 => "web"
                                    "as" => "item.detail"
                                    "uses" => "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@detail"
                                    "controller" => "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@detail"
                                    "namespace" => "App\Http\Controllers"
                                    "prefix" => null
                                    "where" => []
                                  #defaults: []
                                  #wheres: []
                                  #parameters: array:1 [
                                    "id" => "302"
                                  #parameterNames: array:1 [
                                    0 => "id"
                                  #compiled: CompiledRoute {#246
                                    -variables: array:1 [
                                      0 => "id"
                                    -tokens: array:2 [
                                      0 => array:4 [
                                        0 => "variable"
                                        1 => "/"
                                        2 => "[^/]++"
                                        3 => "id"
                                      1 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "text"
                                        1 => "/item/detail"
                                    -staticPrefix: "/item/detail"
                                    -regex: "#^/item/detail/(?P<id>[^/]++)$#s"
                                    -pathVariables: array:1 [
                                      0 => "id"
                                    -hostVariables: []
                                    -hostRegex: null
                                    -hostTokens: []
                                  #router: Router {#24}
                                  #container: Application {#3}
                                "HEADitem/addtocart/{id}/{type}" => Route {#224 …10}
                                "HEADitem/addqty/{id}/{qty}" => Route {#225 …10}
                                "HEADitem/remove/{id}" => Route {#226 …10}
                                "HEADitem/search/{id?}" => Route {#227 …10}
                                "HEADcheckout" => Route {#228 …10}
                                "HEADcheckout_custom" => Route {#229 …10}
                                "POSTcheckout_store/{custom?}" => Route {#230 …10}
                                "HEADcheckout_success" => Route {#231 …10}
                                "HEADcustom_add/{id}/{qty}/{price}" => Route {#232 …10}
                                "HEADcustom_change/{key}/{qty}/{price}" => Route {#233 …10}
                                "HEADcustom_remove/{key}" => Route {#234 …10}
                              #nameList: array:76 [
                                "login_staff_process" => Route {#153 …10}
                                "staff_profile.update" => Route {#160 …10}
                                "opt.item" => Route {#162 …10}
                                "opt.item_variants" => Route {#163 …10}
                                "notifikasi.index" => Route {#164 …10}
                                "notifikasi.edit" => Route {#165 …10}
                                "sistem.backup" => Route {#167 …10}
                                "level.index" => Route {#168 …10}
                                "level.create" => Route {#169 …10}
                                "" => Route {#170 …10}
                                "level.edit" => Route {#171 …10}
                                "level.update" => Route {#172 …10}
                                "level.delete" => Route {#173 …10}
                                "staff.index" => Route {#174 …10}
                                "staff.add" => Route {#175 …10}
                                "" => Route {#176 …10}
                                "staff.edit" => Route {#177 …10}
                                "staff.update" => Route {#178 …10}
                                "staff.delete" => Route {#179 …10}
                                "category.index" => Route {#180 …10}
                                "category.create" => Route {#181 …10}
                                "" => Route {#182 …10}
                                "category.edit" => Route {#183 …10}
                                "category.update" => Route {#184 …10}
                                "category.delete" => Route {#185 …10}
                                "size.index" => Route {#186 …10}
                                "size.add" => Route {#187 …10}
                                "" => Route {#188 …10}
                                "size.edit" => Route {#189 …10}
                                "size.update" => Route {#190 …10}
                                "size.delete" => Route {#191 …10}
                                "item.index" => Route {#192 …10}
                                "item.add" => Route {#193 …10}
                                "item.edit" => Route {#194 …10}
                                "" => Route {#195 …10}
                                "item.delete" => Route {#196 …10}
                                "item.delete_var" => Route {#197 …10}
                                "item.add_var" => Route {#198 …10}
                                "item.save_var" => Route {#199 …10}
                                "item.publish" => Route {#200 …10}
                                "item.unpublish" => Route {#201 …10}
                                "slideshow.index" => Route {#202 …10}
                                "slideshow.add" => Route {#203 …10}
                                "slideshow.edit" => Route {#204 …10}
                                "" => Route {#205 …10}
                                "slideshow.delete" => Route {#206 …10}
                                "slideshow.publish" => Route {#207 …10}
                                "slideshow.unpublish" => Route {#208 …10}
                                "testimony.index" => Route {#209 …10}
                                "testimony.add" => Route {#210 …10}
                                "testimony.edit" => Route {#211 …10}
                                "" => Route {#212 …10}
                                "testimony.delete" => Route {#213 …10}
                                "order.index" => Route {#214 …10}
                                "order.detail" => Route {#215 …10}
                                "home" => Route {#154 …10}
                                "testimoni" => Route {#166 …10}
                                "kontak" => Route {#216 …10}
                                "order" => Route {#217 …10}
                                "" => Route {#218 …10}
                                "" => Route {#219 …10}
                                "order.size" => Route {#220 …10}
                                "order.item" => Route {#221 …10}
                                "item" => Route {#222 …10}
                                "item.detail" => Route {#223}
                                "item.addtocart" => Route {#224 …10}
                                "item.addqty" => Route {#225 …10}
                                "item.remove" => Route {#226 …10}
                                "" => Route {#227 …10}
                                "checkout" => Route {#228 …10}
                                "checkout.custom" => Route {#229 …10}
                                "" => Route {#230 …10}
                                "checkout.success" => Route {#231 …10}
                                "custom.add" => Route {#232 …10}
                                "custom.change" => Route {#233 …10}
                                "custom.remove" => Route {#234 …10}
                              #actionList: array:72 [
                                "App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController@index" => Route {#150 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController@loginStaffProcess" => Route {#153 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\StaffController@staffProfile" => Route {#159 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\StaffController@staffProfileUpdate" => Route {#160 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SistemController@generateAll" => Route {#161 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@itemOpt" => Route {#162 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@itemVariantsOpt" => Route {#163 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SistemController@getNotifikasi" => Route {#164 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SistemController@editNotifikasi" => Route {#165 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SistemController@databaseBackup" => Route {#167 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SistemController@levelIndex" => Route {#168 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SistemController@levelCreate" => Route {#171 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SistemController@levelStore" => Route {#172 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SistemController@menuDelete" => Route {#173 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\StaffController@index" => Route {#174 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\StaffController@staffAdd" => Route {#175 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\StaffController@staffSave" => Route {#176 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\StaffController@staffEdit" => Route {#177 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\StaffController@staffUpdate" => Route {#178 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\StaffController@staffDelete" => Route {#179 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\CategoryController@index" => Route {#180 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\CategoryController@create" => Route {#183 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\CategoryController@store" => Route {#184 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\CategoryController@delete" => Route {#185 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SizeController@index" => Route {#186 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SizeController@sizeAdd" => Route {#187 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SizeController@sizeSave" => Route {#188 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SizeController@sizeEdit" => Route {#189 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SizeController@sizeUpdate" => Route {#190 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SizeController@sizeDelete" => Route {#191 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@index" => Route {#192 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@form" => Route {#194 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@save" => Route {#195 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@delete" => Route {#196 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@deleteVariants" => Route {#197 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@addVariants" => Route {#198 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@saveVariants" => Route {#199 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@publish" => Route {#200 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\ItemController@unpublish" => Route {#201 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SlideshowController@index" => Route {#202 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SlideshowController@form" => Route {#204 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SlideshowController@save" => Route {#205 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SlideshowController@delete" => Route {#206 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SlideshowController@publish" => Route {#207 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\SlideshowController@unpublish" => Route {#208 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\TestimonyController@index" => Route {#209 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\TestimonyController@form" => Route {#211 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\TestimonyController@save" => Route {#212 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\TestimonyController@delete" => Route {#213 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\OrderController@index" => Route {#214 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xbe\OrderController@detail" => Route {#215 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@index" => Route {#154 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@testimoni" => Route {#166 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@kontak" => Route {#216 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@order" => Route {#217 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@kontakStore" => Route {#218 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@orderStore" => Route {#219 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@orderSize" => Route {#220 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@orderItem" => Route {#221 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@item" => Route {#222 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@detail" => Route {#223}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@addToCart" => Route {#224 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@addQty" => Route {#225 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@removeItem" => Route {#226 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController@searchItem" => Route {#227 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PaymentController@index" => Route {#228 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PaymentController@checkoutCustom" => Route {#229 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PaymentController@checkoutStore" => Route {#230 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PaymentController@checkoutSuccess" => Route {#231 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PaymentController@addItemCustom" => Route {#232 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PaymentController@changeItemCustom" => Route {#233 …10}
                                "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PaymentController@removeItemCustom" => Route {#234 …10}
                            #current: Route {#223}
                            #currentRequest: Request {#40}
                            #middleware: array:5 [
                              "auth" => "App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate"
                              "auth.basic" => "Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth"
                              "guest" => "App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated"
                              "throttle" => "Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequests"
                              "permission" => "App\Http\Middleware\Permission"
                            #middlewareGroups: array:2 [
                              "web" => array:5 [
                                0 => "App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies"
                                1 => "Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse"
                                2 => "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession"
                                3 => "Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession"
                                4 => "App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken"
                              "api" => array:1 [
                                0 => "throttle:60,1"
                            #binders: array:1 [
                              "_missing" => Closure {#27
                                class: "Illuminate\Routing\Router"
                                this: Router {#24}
                                parameters: { …1}
                                file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php"
                                line: "115 to 117"
                            #patterns: []
                            #groupStack: []
                          use: {
                            $route: Route {#223}
                          file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php"
                          line: "693 to 695"
                        +attributes: ParameterBag {#42
                          #parameters: []
                        +request: ParameterBag {#48
                          #parameters: []
                        +query: ParameterBag {#48}
                        +server: ServerBag {#45
                          #parameters: array:43 [
                            "PATH" => "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
                            "TEMP" => "/tmp"
                            "TMP" => "/tmp"
                            "TMPDIR" => "/tmp"
                            "PWD" => "/"
                            "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "*/*"
                            "CONTENT_LENGTH" => "0"
                            "HTTP_HOST" => ""
                            "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;"
                            "HTTP_X_REAL_IP" => ""
                            "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST" => ""
                            "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER" => ""
                            "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO" => "http"
                            "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT" => "80"
                            "REDIRECT_UNIQUE_ID" => "ZihLSEMB-Et8cvagxGFaoAAAAdM"
                            "REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URL" => "/item/detail/302"
                            "REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI" => ""
                            "REDIRECT_STATUS" => "200"
                            "UNIQUE_ID" => "ZihLSEMB-Et8cvagxGFaoAAAAdM"
                            "SCRIPT_URL" => "/item/detail/302"
                            "SCRIPT_URI" => ""
                            "SERVER_SIGNATURE" => ""
                            "SERVER_SOFTWARE" => "Apache"
                            "SERVER_NAME" => ""
                            "SERVER_ADDR" => ""
                            "SERVER_PORT" => "80"
                            "REMOTE_ADDR" => ""
                            "DOCUMENT_ROOT" => "/home/chilea09/public_html"
                            "REQUEST_SCHEME" => "http"
                            "CONTEXT_PREFIX" => ""
                            "CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT" => "/home/chilea09/public_html"
                            "SERVER_ADMIN" => ""
                            "SCRIPT_FILENAME" => "/home/chilea09/public_html/index.php"
                            "REMOTE_PORT" => "23378"
                            "REDIRECT_URL" => "/item/detail/302"
                            "SERVER_PROTOCOL" => "HTTP/1.1"
                            "REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET"
                            "QUERY_STRING" => ""
                            "REQUEST_URI" => "/item/detail/302"
                            "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/index.php"
                            "PHP_SELF" => "/index.php"
                            "REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT" => 1713916744.5235
                            "REQUEST_TIME" => 1713916744
                        +files: FileBag {#44
                          #parameters: []
                        +cookies: ParameterBag {#43
                          #parameters: []
                        +headers: HeaderBag {#46
                          #headers: array:9 [
                            "accept" => array:1 [
                              0 => "*/*"
                            "content-length" => array:1 [
                              0 => "0"
                            "host" => array:1 [
                              0 => ""
                            "user-agent" => array:1 [
                              0 => "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;"
                            "x-real-ip" => array:1 [
                              0 => ""
                            "x-forwarded-host" => array:1 [
                              0 => ""
                            "x-forwarded-server" => array:1 [
                              0 => ""
                            "x-forwarded-proto" => array:1 [
                              0 => "http"
                            "x-forwarded-port" => array:1 [
                              0 => "80"
                          #cacheControl: []
                        #content: null
                        #languages: null
                        #charsets: null
                        #encodings: null
                        #acceptableContentTypes: null
                        #pathInfo: "/item/detail/302"
                        #requestUri: "/item/detail/302"
                        #baseUrl: ""
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                        #format: null
                        #session: Store {#321
                          #id: "0d5261ad3a0b05e8f8bb1261a7c287d5c2cdbef3"
                          #name: "laravel_session"
                          #attributes: array:1 [
                            "_token" => "itwv5qFu6l5RJIsfsYtbU0TAxEZn5uRMi1qR834F"
                          #bags: []
                          #metaBag: MetadataBag {#312
                            -name: "__metadata"
                            -storageKey: "_sf2_meta"
                            #meta: &96 array:3 [
                              "u" => 1713916744
                              "c" => 1713916744
                              "l" => "0"
                            -lastUsed: 1713916744
                            -updateThreshold: 0
                          #bagData: array:1 [
                            "_sf2_meta" => &96 array:3 [&96]
                          #handler: FileSessionHandler {#322
                            #files: Filesystem {#113}
                            #path: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/sessions"
                            #minutes: 1440
                          #started: true
                        #locale: null
                        #defaultLocale: "en"
                      "config" => Repository {#31
                        #items: array:15 [ …15]
                      "log" => Writer {#23
                        #monolog: Logger {#41 …4}
                        #dispatcher: Dispatcher {#5}
                        #levels: array:8 [ …8]
                      "db.factory" => ConnectionFactory {#104
                        #container: Application {#3}
                      "db" => DatabaseManager {#32
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #factory: ConnectionFactory {#104}
                        #connections: array:1 [ …1]
                        #extensions: []
                      "view.engine.resolver" => EngineResolver {#106}
                      "files" => Filesystem {#113}
                      "view" => Factory {#114}
                      "blade.compiler" => BladeCompiler {#116}
                      "translation.loader" => FileLoader {#128
                        #files: Filesystem {#113}
                        #path: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/lang"
                        #hints: []
                      "translator" => Translator {#129
                        #loader: FileLoader {#128}
                        #locale: "en"
                        #fallback: "en"
                        #loaded: []
                        #selector: null
                        #parsed: []
                      "validation.presence" => DatabasePresenceVerifier {#130
                        #db: DatabaseManager {#32}
                        #connection: null
                      "validator" => Factory {#123
                        #translator: Translator {#129}
                        #verifier: DatabasePresenceVerifier {#130}
                        #container: Application {#3}
                        #extensions: array:1 [ …1]
                        #implicitExtensions: []
                        #replacers: []
                        #fallbackMessages: []
                        #resolver: null
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate" => Gate {#131
                        #container: Application {#3}
                        #userResolver: Closure {#133 …5}
                        #abilities: []
                        #policies: array:1 [ …1]
                        #beforeCallbacks: []
                        #afterCallbacks: []
                      "routes" => RouteCollection {#26}
                      "Illuminate\Routing\Route" => Route {#223}
                      "encrypter" => Encrypter {#316
                        #cipher: "AES-256-CBC"
                        #key: "x5Nm5csEeLbZAiC9j3FkAsqwOUGvwUJu"
                      "cookie" => CookieJar {#320
                        #path: "/"
                        #domain: null
                        #secure: false
                        #queued: []
                      "session" => SessionManager {#324
                        #app: Application {#3}
                        #customCreators: []
                        #drivers: array:1 [
                          "file" => Store {#321}
                      "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession" => StartSession {#323
                        #manager: SessionManager {#324}
                        #sessionHandled: true
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler" => Handler {#421
                        #dontReport: array:4 [ …4]
                        #log: Writer {#23}
                    #aliases: array:64 [
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Application" => "app"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container" => "app"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application" => "app"
                      "Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager" => "auth"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory" => "auth"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard" => "auth.driver"
                      "Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler" => "blade.compiler"
                      "Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager" => "cache"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Factory" => "cache"
                      "Illuminate\Cache\Repository" => ""
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository" => ""
                      "Illuminate\Config\Repository" => "config"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository" => "config"
                      "Illuminate\Cookie\CookieJar" => "cookie"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie\Factory" => "cookie"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie\QueueingFactory" => "cookie"
                      "Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter" => "encrypter"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\Encrypter" => "encrypter"
                      "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager" => "db"
                      "Illuminate\Database\Connection" => "db.connection"
                      "Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface" => "db.connection"
                      "Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher" => "events"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher" => "events"
                      "Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem" => "files"
                      "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemManager" => "filesystem"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Factory" => "filesystem"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem" => "filesystem.disk"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Cloud" => ""
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher" => "hash"
                      "Illuminate\Translation\Translator" => "translator"
                      "Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface" => "translator"
                      "Illuminate\Log\Writer" => "log"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Logging\Log" => "log"
                      "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" => "log"
                      "Illuminate\Mail\Mailer" => "mailer"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailer" => "mailer"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\MailQueue" => "mailer"
                      "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordBrokerManager" => "auth.password"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\PasswordBrokerFactory" => "auth.password"
                      "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordBroker" => ""
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\PasswordBroker" => ""
                      "Illuminate\Queue\QueueManager" => "queue"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Factory" => "queue"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Monitor" => "queue"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue" => "queue.connection"
                      "Illuminate\Queue\Failed\FailedJobProviderInterface" => "queue.failer"
                      "Illuminate\Routing\Redirector" => "redirect"
                      "Illuminate\Redis\Database" => "redis"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\Database" => "redis"
                      "Illuminate\Http\Request" => "request"
                      "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request" => "request"
                      "Illuminate\Routing\Router" => "router"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\Registrar" => "router"
                      "Illuminate\Session\SessionManager" => "session"
                      "Illuminate\Session\Store" => ""
                      "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface" => ""
                      "Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator" => "url"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator" => "url"
                      "Illuminate\Validation\Factory" => "validator"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Factory" => "validator"
                      "Illuminate\View\Factory" => "view"
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory" => "view"
                      "Intervention\Image\ImageManager" => "image"
                      "DOMPDF" => "dompdf"
                    #extenders: []
                    #tags: []
                    #buildStack: []
                    +contextual: []
                    #reboundCallbacks: array:2 [
                      "request" => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#35 …5}
                        1 => Closure {#132 …5}
                      "routes" => array:1 [
                        0 => Closure {#137 …5}
                    #globalResolvingCallbacks: []
                    #globalAfterResolvingCallbacks: []
                    #resolvingCallbacks: array:1 [
                      "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest" => array:1 [
                        0 => Closure {#107 …5}
                    #afterResolvingCallbacks: array:1 [
                      "Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ValidatesWhenResolved" => array:1 [
                        0 => Closure {#105 …5}
                  #listeners: array:1 [
                    "App\Events\SomeEvent" => array:1 [ …1]
                  #wildcards: []
                  #sorted: array:43 [
                    "Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider" => []
                    "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\DetectEnvironment" => []
                    "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\DetectEnvironment" => []
                    "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration" => []
                    "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration" => []
                    "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\ConfigureLogging" => []
                    "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\ConfigureLogging" => []
                    "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions" => []
                    "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions" => []
                    "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterFacades" => []
                    "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterFacades" => []
                    "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders" => []
                    "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FoundationServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider" => []
                    "Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProvider" => []
                    "Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider" => []
                    "Maatwebsite\Excel\ExcelServiceProvider" => []
                    "App\Providers\AppServiceProvider" => []
                    "App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider" => []
                    "App\Providers\EventServiceProvider" => []
                    "App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider" => []
                    "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders" => []
                    "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders" => []
                    "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider" => []
                    "Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider" => []
                    "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders" => []
                    "Illuminate\Routing\Events\RouteMatched" => []
                    "eloquent.booting: App\Models\xbe\Category" => []
                    "eloquent.booted: App\Models\xbe\Category" => []
                    "Illuminate\Database\Events\QueryExecuted" => []
                    "eloquent.booting: App\Models\xbe\Item" => []
                    "eloquent.booted: App\Models\xbe\Item" => []
                    "creating: public.item.detail" => []
                    "composing: public.item.detail" => []
                    "illuminate.log" => []
                  #firing: []
                  #queueResolver: Closure {#6
                    class: "Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider"
                    this: EventServiceProvider {#2}
                    use: { …1}
                    file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Events/EventServiceProvider.php"
                    line: "17 to 19"
                #container: Application {#3}
                #shared: array:4 [
                  "__env" => Factory {#114}
                  "app" => Application {#3}
                  "errors" => ViewErrorBag {#329
                    #bags: []
                  "category" => array:35 [
                    0 => array:3 [ …3]
                    1 => array:3 [ …3]
                    2 => array:3 [ …3]
                    3 => array:3 [ …3]
                    4 => array:3 [ …3]
                    5 => array:3 [ …3]
                    6 => array:3 [ …3]
                    7 => array:3 [ …3]
                    8 => array:3 [ …3]
                    9 => array:3 [ …3]
                    10 => array:3 [ …3]
                    11 => array:3 [ …3]
                    12 => array:3 [ …3]
                    13 => array:3 [ …3]
                    14 => array:3 [ …3]
                    15 => array:3 [ …3]
                    16 => array:3 [ …3]
                    17 => array:3 [ …3]
                    18 => array:3 [ …3]
                    19 => array:3 [ …3]
                    20 => array:3 [ …3]
                    21 => array:3 [ …3]
                    22 => array:3 [ …3]
                    23 => array:3 [ …3]
                    24 => array:3 [ …3]
                    25 => array:3 [ …3]
                    26 => array:3 [ …3]
                    27 => array:3 [ …3]
                    28 => array:3 [ …3]
                    29 => array:3 [ …3]
                    30 => array:3 [ …3]
                    31 => array:3 [ …3]
                    32 => array:3 [ …3]
                    33 => array:3 [ …3]
                    34 => array:3 [ …3]
                #aliases: []
                #names: []
                #extensions: array:2 [
                  "blade.php" => "blade"
                  "php" => "php"
                #composers: []
                #sections: []
                #sectionStack: []
                #pushes: []
                #pushStack: []
                #renderCount: 0
              "app" => Application {#3}
              "errors" => ViewErrorBag {#329}
              "category" => array:35 [
                0 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 6
                  "name" => "SPREI & BEDCOVER"
                  "category_id" => "0"
                1 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 58
                  "name" => "POLOS KATUN JEPANG"
                  "category_id" => "6"
                2 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 55
                  "name" => "POLOS KATUN LOKAL"
                  "category_id" => "6"
                3 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 12
                  "name" => "KATUN LOKAL"
                  "category_id" => "6"
                4 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 14
                  "name" => "KATUN JEPANG (100% cotton) "
                  "category_id" => "6"
                5 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 15
                  "name" => "DOBBY COTTON (100%cotton) "
                  "category_id" => "6"
                6 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 17
                  "name" => "EMBOSSED MICROFIBRE"
                  "category_id" => "6"
                7 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 18
                  "name" => "SUTRA TENCEL"
                  "category_id" => "6"
                8 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 24
                  "name" => "SUTRA TENCEL JAQUARD"
                  "category_id" => "6"
                9 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 8
                  "name" => "PILLOW / BANTAL / GULING"
                  "category_id" => "0"
                10 => array:3 [
                  "id" => 37
                11 => array:3 [ …3]
                12 => array:3 [ …3]
                13 => array:3 [ …3]
                14 => array:3 [ …3]
                15 => array:3 [ …3]
                16 => array:3 [ …3]
                17 => array:3 [ …3]
                18 => array:3 [ …3]
                19 => array:3 [ …3]
                20 => array:3 [ …3]
                21 => array:3 [ …3]
                22 => array:3 [ …3]
                23 => array:3 [ …3]
                24 => array:3 [ …3]
                25 => array:3 [ …3]
                26 => array:3 [ …3]
                27 => array:3 [ …3]
                28 => array:3 [ …3]
                29 => array:3 [ …3]
                30 => array:3 [ …3]
                31 => array:3 [ …3]
                32 => array:3 [ …3]
                33 => array:3 [ …3]
                34 => array:3 [ …3]
              "item" => null
            "obLevel" => 1
            "__env" => Factory {#114}
            "app" => Application {#3}
            "errors" => ViewErrorBag {#329}
            "category" => array:35 [
              0 => array:3 [
                "id" => 6
                "name" => "SPREI & BEDCOVER"
                "category_id" => "0"
              1 => array:3 [
                "id" => 58
                "name" => "POLOS KATUN JEPANG"
                "category_id" => "6"
              2 => array:3 [
                "id" => 55
                "name" => "POLOS KATUN LOKAL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              3 => array:3 [
                "id" => 12
                "name" => "KATUN LOKAL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              4 => array:3 [
                "id" => 14
                "name" => "KATUN JEPANG (100% cotton) "
                "category_id" => "6"
              5 => array:3 [
                "id" => 15
                "name" => "DOBBY COTTON (100%cotton) "
                "category_id" => "6"
              6 => array:3 [
                "id" => 17
                "name" => "EMBOSSED MICROFIBRE"
                "category_id" => "6"
              7 => array:3 [
                "id" => 18
                "name" => "SUTRA TENCEL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              8 => array:3 [
                "id" => 24
                "name" => "SUTRA TENCEL JAQUARD"
                "category_id" => "6"
              9 => array:3 [
                "id" => 8
                "name" => "PILLOW / BANTAL / GULING"
                "category_id" => "0"
              10 => array:3 [
                "id" => 37
                "name" => "MICROFIBRE"
                "category_id" => "8"
              11 => array:3 [
                "id" => 57
                "name" => "BANTAL KURSI"
                "category_id" => "8"
              12 => array:3 [
                "id" => 36
                "name" => "BANTAL LANTAI 70X70 PREMIUM"
                "category_id" => "8"
              13 => array:3 [
                "id" => 31
                "name" => "LONG PILLOW 50X100 PREMIUM"
                "category_id" => "8"
              14 => array:3 [
                "id" => 29
                "name" => "MOMENT"
                "category_id" => "8"
              15 => array:3 [
                "id" => 28
                "name" => "BLUE MORNING"
                "category_id" => "8"
              16 => array:3 [
                "id" => 27
                "name" => "ACCENT"
                "category_id" => "8"
              17 => array:3 [
                "id" => 30
                "name" => "DAFFODIL"
                "category_id" => "8"
              18 => array:3 [
                "id" => 9
                "name" => "SELIMUT"
                "category_id" => "0"
              19 => array:3 [
                "id" => 48
                "name" => "SELIMUT FLEECE"
                "category_id" => "9"
              20 => array:3 [
                "id" => 50
                "name" => "SSB"
                "category_id" => "9"
              21 => array:3 [
                "id" => 51
                "name" => "SELIMUT TEBAL"
                "category_id" => "9"
              22 => array:3 [
                "id" => 10
                "name" => "KASUR"
                "category_id" => "0"
              23 => array:3 [
                "id" => 45
                "name" => "KASUR BUSA BFOAM"
                "category_id" => "10"
              24 => array:3 [
                "id" => 46
                "name" => "KASUR FOLDING FOAM"
                "category_id" => "10"
              25 => array:3 [
                "id" => 47
                "name" => "KASUR LIPAT HDP"
                "category_id" => "10"
              26 => array:3 [
                "id" => 63
                "name" => "BUSA ROYAL SY"
                "category_id" => "10"
              27 => array:3 [
                "id" => 11
                "name" => "HANDUK "
                "category_id" => "0"
              28 => array:3 [
                "id" => 52
                "name" => "TOWEL HOTEL"
                "category_id" => "11"
              29 => array:3 [
                "id" => 60
                "name" => "BATHROBE"
                "category_id" => "11"
              30 => array:3 [
                "id" => 53
                "name" => "TOWEL HOME"
                "category_id" => "11"
              31 => array:3 [
                "id" => 56
                "name" => "DECORATIVE PILLOW"
                "category_id" => "0"
              32 => array:3 [
                "id" => 59
                "name" => "PROTECTOR"
                "category_id" => "0"
              33 => array:3 [
                "id" => 62
                "name" => "BATHROBE / KIMONO"
                "category_id" => "0"
              34 => array:3 [
                "id" => 64
                "name" => "BEDROOM ACCESORIES"
                "category_id" => "0"
            "item" => null
      63. Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath() ==> include(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:42: """
            try {\n
                include $__path;\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php"
      62. Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get() ==> Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:59: """
            // which have been rendered for right exception messages to be generated.\n
            $results = $this->evaluatePath($compiled, $data);\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => &108 "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php"
          1 => &109 array:5 [
            "__env" => Factory {#114}
            "app" => Application {#3}
            "errors" => ViewErrorBag {#329}
            "category" => array:35 [
              0 => array:3 [
                "id" => 6
                "name" => "SPREI & BEDCOVER"
                "category_id" => "0"
              1 => array:3 [
                "id" => 58
                "name" => "POLOS KATUN JEPANG"
                "category_id" => "6"
              2 => array:3 [
                "id" => 55
                "name" => "POLOS KATUN LOKAL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              3 => array:3 [
                "id" => 12
                "name" => "KATUN LOKAL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              4 => array:3 [
                "id" => 14
                "name" => "KATUN JEPANG (100% cotton) "
                "category_id" => "6"
              5 => array:3 [
                "id" => 15
                "name" => "DOBBY COTTON (100%cotton) "
                "category_id" => "6"
              6 => array:3 [
                "id" => 17
                "name" => "EMBOSSED MICROFIBRE"
                "category_id" => "6"
              7 => array:3 [
                "id" => 18
                "name" => "SUTRA TENCEL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              8 => array:3 [
                "id" => 24
                "name" => "SUTRA TENCEL JAQUARD"
                "category_id" => "6"
              9 => array:3 [
                "id" => 8
                "name" => "PILLOW / BANTAL / GULING"
                "category_id" => "0"
              10 => array:3 [
                "id" => 37
                "name" => "MICROFIBRE"
                "category_id" => "8"
              11 => array:3 [
                "id" => 57
                "name" => "BANTAL KURSI"
                "category_id" => "8"
              12 => array:3 [
                "id" => 36
                "name" => "BANTAL LANTAI 70X70 PREMIUM"
                "category_id" => "8"
              13 => array:3 [
                "id" => 31
                "name" => "LONG PILLOW 50X100 PREMIUM"
                "category_id" => "8"
              14 => array:3 [
                "id" => 29
                "name" => "MOMENT"
                "category_id" => "8"
              15 => array:3 [
                "id" => 28
                "name" => "BLUE MORNING"
                "category_id" => "8"
              16 => array:3 [
                "id" => 27
                "name" => "ACCENT"
                "category_id" => "8"
              17 => array:3 [
                "id" => 30
                "name" => "DAFFODIL"
                "category_id" => "8"
              18 => array:3 [
                "id" => 9
                "name" => "SELIMUT"
                "category_id" => "0"
              19 => array:3 [
                "id" => 48
                "name" => "SELIMUT FLEECE"
                "category_id" => "9"
              20 => array:3 [
                "id" => 50
                "name" => "SSB"
                "category_id" => "9"
              21 => array:3 [
                "id" => 51
                "name" => "SELIMUT TEBAL"
                "category_id" => "9"
              22 => array:3 [
                "id" => 10
                "name" => "KASUR"
                "category_id" => "0"
              23 => array:3 [
                "id" => 45
                "name" => "KASUR BUSA BFOAM"
                "category_id" => "10"
              24 => array:3 [
                "id" => 46
                "name" => "KASUR FOLDING FOAM"
                "category_id" => "10"
              25 => array:3 [
                "id" => 47
                "name" => "KASUR LIPAT HDP"
                "category_id" => "10"
              26 => array:3 [
                "id" => 63
                "name" => "BUSA ROYAL SY"
                "category_id" => "10"
              27 => array:3 [
                "id" => 11
                "name" => "HANDUK "
                "category_id" => "0"
              28 => array:3 [
                "id" => 52
                "name" => "TOWEL HOTEL"
                "category_id" => "11"
              29 => array:3 [
                "id" => 60
                "name" => "BATHROBE"
                "category_id" => "11"
              30 => array:3 [
                "id" => 53
                "name" => "TOWEL HOME"
                "category_id" => "11"
              31 => array:3 [
                "id" => 56
                "name" => "DECORATIVE PILLOW"
                "category_id" => "0"
              32 => array:3 [
                "id" => 59
                "name" => "PROTECTOR"
                "category_id" => "0"
              33 => array:3 [
                "id" => 62
                "name" => "BATHROBE / KIMONO"
                "category_id" => "0"
              34 => array:3 [
                "id" => 64
                "name" => "BEDROOM ACCESORIES"
                "category_id" => "0"
            "item" => null
      61. Illuminate\View\View->getContents() ==> Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/View.php:149: """
                return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => &110 "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/views/public/item/detail.blade.php"
          1 => &111 array:5 [
            "__env" => Factory {#114}
            "app" => Application {#3}
            "errors" => ViewErrorBag {#329}
            "category" => array:35 [
              0 => array:3 [
                "id" => 6
                "name" => "SPREI & BEDCOVER"
                "category_id" => "0"
              1 => array:3 [
                "id" => 58
                "name" => "POLOS KATUN JEPANG"
                "category_id" => "6"
              2 => array:3 [
                "id" => 55
                "name" => "POLOS KATUN LOKAL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              3 => array:3 [
                "id" => 12
                "name" => "KATUN LOKAL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              4 => array:3 [
                "id" => 14
                "name" => "KATUN JEPANG (100% cotton) "
                "category_id" => "6"
              5 => array:3 [
                "id" => 15
                "name" => "DOBBY COTTON (100%cotton) "
                "category_id" => "6"
              6 => array:3 [
                "id" => 17
                "name" => "EMBOSSED MICROFIBRE"
                "category_id" => "6"
              7 => array:3 [
                "id" => 18
                "name" => "SUTRA TENCEL"
                "category_id" => "6"
              8 => array:3 [
                "id" => 24
                "name" => "SUTRA TENCEL JAQUARD"
                "category_id" => "6"
              9 => array:3 [
                "id" => 8
                "name" => "PILLOW / BANTAL / GULING"
                "category_id" => "0"
              10 => array:3 [
                "id" => 37
                "name" => "MICROFIBRE"
                "category_id" => "8"
              11 => array:3 [
                "id" => 57
                "name" => "BANTAL KURSI"
                "category_id" => "8"
              12 => array:3 [
                "id" => 36
                "name" => "BANTAL LANTAI 70X70 PREMIUM"
                "category_id" => "8"
              13 => array:3 [
                "id" => 31
                "name" => "LONG PILLOW 50X100 PREMIUM"
                "category_id" => "8"
              14 => array:3 [
                "id" => 29
                "name" => "MOMENT"
                "category_id" => "8"
              15 => array:3 [
                "id" => 28
                "name" => "BLUE MORNING"
                "category_id" => "8"
              16 => array:3 [
                "id" => 27
                "name" => "ACCENT"
                "category_id" => "8"
              17 => array:3 [
                "id" => 30
                "name" => "DAFFODIL"
                "category_id" => "8"
              18 => array:3 [
                "id" => 9
                "name" => "SELIMUT"
                "category_id" => "0"
              19 => array:3 [
                "id" => 48
                "name" => "SELIMUT FLEECE"
                "category_id" => "9"
              20 => array:3 [
                "id" => 50
                "name" => "SSB"
                "category_id" => "9"
              21 => array:3 [
                "id" => 51
                "name" => "SELIMUT TEBAL"
                "category_id" => "9"
              22 => array:3 [
                "id" => 10
                "name" => "KASUR"
                "category_id" => "0"
              23 => array:3 [
                "id" => 45
                "name" => "KASUR BUSA BFOAM"
                "category_id" => "10"
              24 => array:3 [
                "id" => 46
                "name" => "KASUR FOLDING FOAM"
                "category_id" => "10"
              25 => array:3 [
                "id" => 47
                "name" => "KASUR LIPAT HDP"
                "category_id" => "10"
              26 => array:3 [
                "id" => 63
                "name" => "BUSA ROYAL SY"
                "category_id" => "10"
              27 => array:3 [
                "id" => 11
                "name" => "HANDUK "
                "category_id" => "0"
              28 => array:3 [
                "id" => 52
                "name" => "TOWEL HOTEL"
                "category_id" => "11"
              29 => array:3 [
                "id" => 60
                "name" => "BATHROBE"
                "category_id" => "11"
              30 => array:3 [
                "id" => 53
                "name" => "TOWEL HOME"
                "category_id" => "11"
              31 => array:3 [
                "id" => 56
                "name" => "DECORATIVE PILLOW"
                "category_id" => "0"
              32 => array:3 [
                "id" => 59
                "name" => "PROTECTOR"
                "category_id" => "0"
              33 => array:3 [
                "id" => 62
                "name" => "BATHROBE / KIMONO"
                "category_id" => "0"
              34 => array:3 [
                "id" => 64
                "name" => "BEDROOM ACCESORIES"
                "category_id" => "0"
            "item" => null
      60. Illuminate\View\View->renderContents() ==> Illuminate\View\View->getContents(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/View.php:120: """
            $contents = $this->getContents();\n
        args: []
      59. Illuminate\View\View->render() ==> Illuminate\View\View->renderContents(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/View.php:85: """
            try {\n
                $contents = $this->renderContents();\n
        args: []
      58. Illuminate\Http\Response->setContent() ==> Illuminate\View\View->render(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/Response.php:53: """
            elseif ($content instanceof Renderable) {\n
                $content = $content->render();\n
        args: []
      57. Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response->__construct() ==> Illuminate\Http\Response->setContent(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Response.php:201: """
            $this->headers = new ResponseHeaderBag($headers);\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => View {#390
            #factory: Factory {#114}
            #engine: CompilerEngine {#115}
            #view: "public.item.detail"
            #data: array:1 [
              "item" => null
            #path: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/views/public/item/detail.blade.php"
      56. Illuminate\Routing\Router->prepareResponse() ==> Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response->__construct(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:1085: """
            } elseif (! $response instanceof SymfonyResponse) {\n
                $response = new Response($response);\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => View {#390}
      55. Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->prepareResponse(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:95: """
                    $request, $this->call($instance, $route, $method)\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40}
          1 => View {#390}
      54. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      53. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:52: """
            try {\n
                return call_user_func($destination, $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#332
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher"
            this: ControllerDispatcher {#334 …}
            parameters: {
              $request: {}
            use: {
              $instance: PageController {#335
                +cart: null
                +cookie: null
                +category: null
                +notification: null
                +biji: 20
                #middleware: []
                #validatesRequestErrorBag: null
              $route: Route {#223}
              $method: "detail"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php"
            line: "92 to 96"
          1 => Request {#40}
      52. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      51. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:103: """
                    array_reduce($pipes, $this->getSlice(), $firstSlice), $this->passable\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#333
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#331 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $destination: Closure {#332}
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "50 to 58"
          1 => Request {#40}
      50. Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->callWithinStack() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:96: """
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Closure {#332}
      49. Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->dispatch() ==> Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->callWithinStack(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:54: """
                return $this->callWithinStack($instance, $route, $request, $method);\n
        args: array:4 [
          0 => PageController {#335}
          1 => Route {#223}
          2 => Request {#40}
          3 => &116 "detail"
      48. Illuminate\Routing\Route->runController() ==> Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->dispatch(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:174: """
                return (new ControllerDispatcher($this->router, $this->container))\n
                            ->dispatch($this, $request, $class, $method);\n
        args: array:4 [
          0 => Route {#223}
          1 => Request {#40}
          2 => &117 "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController"
          3 => &118 "detail"
      47. Illuminate\Routing\Route->run() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Route->runController(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:140: """
                return $this->runController($request);\n
            } catch (HttpResponseException $e) {\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      46. Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Route->run(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:724: """
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      45. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      44. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:52: """
            try {\n
                return call_user_func($destination, $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#305
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Router"
            this: Router {#24}
            parameters: {
              $request: {}
            use: {
              $route: Route {#223}
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php"
            line: "721 to 726"
          1 => Request {#40}
      43. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php:64: """
            ) {\n
                return $this->addCookieToResponse($request, $next($request));\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      42. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken->handle(): {
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40}
          1 => Closure {#304
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $destination: Closure {#305}
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "50 to 58"
      41. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
                return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => &122 array:2 [
            0 => VerifyCsrfToken {#336
              #except: []
              #app: Application {#3}
              #encrypter: Encrypter {#316}
            1 => "handle"
          1 => &123 array:2 [
            0 => Request {#40}
            1 => Closure {#304}
      40. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      39. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
                return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#327
            class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#304}
              $pipe: "App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php"
            line: "114 to 137"
          1 => Request {#40}
      38. Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Middleware/ShareErrorsFromSession.php:49: """
                return $next($request);\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      37. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession->handle(): {
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40}
          1 => Closure {#306
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#304}
              $pipe: "App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "28 to 38"
      36. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
                return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => &126 array:2 [
            0 => ShareErrorsFromSession {#330
              #view: Factory {#114}
            1 => "handle"
          1 => &127 array:2 [
            0 => Request {#40}
            1 => Closure {#306}
      35. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      34. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
                return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#326
            class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#306}
              $pipe: "Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php"
            line: "114 to 137"
          1 => Request {#40}
      33. Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Session/Middleware/StartSession.php:64: """
            $response = $next($request);\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      32. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession->handle(): {
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40}
          1 => Closure {#307
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#306}
              $pipe: "Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "28 to 38"
      31. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
                return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => &130 array:2 [
            0 => StartSession {#323}
            1 => "handle"
          1 => &131 array:2 [
            0 => Request {#40}
            1 => Closure {#307}
      30. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      29. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
                return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#317
            class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#307}
              $pipe: "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php"
            line: "114 to 137"
          1 => Request {#40}
      28. Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Cookie/Middleware/AddQueuedCookiesToResponse.php:37: """
                $response = $next($request);\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      27. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle(): {
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40}
          1 => Closure {#308
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#307}
              $pipe: "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "28 to 38"
      26. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
                return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => &134 array:2 [
            0 => AddQueuedCookiesToResponse {#319
              #cookies: CookieJar {#320}
            1 => "handle"
          1 => &135 array:2 [
            0 => Request {#40}
            1 => Closure {#308}
      25. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      24. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
                return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#314
            class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#308}
              $pipe: "Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php"
            line: "114 to 137"
          1 => Request {#40}
      23. Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Cookie/Middleware/EncryptCookies.php:59: """
                return $this->encrypt($next($this->decrypt($request)));\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      22. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies->handle(): {
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40}
          1 => Closure {#309
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#308}
              $pipe: "Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "28 to 38"
      21. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
                return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => &138 array:2 [
            0 => EncryptCookies {#315
              #except: []
              #encrypter: Encrypter {#316}
            1 => "handle"
          1 => &139 array:2 [
            0 => Request {#40}
            1 => Closure {#309}
      20. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      19. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
                return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#311
            class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#309}
              $pipe: "App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php"
            line: "114 to 137"
          1 => Request {#40}
      18. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      17. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:103: """
                    array_reduce($pipes, $this->getSlice(), $firstSlice), $this->passable\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#310
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#302 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#309}
              $pipe: "App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "28 to 38"
          1 => Request {#40}
      16. Illuminate\Routing\Router->runRouteWithinStack() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:726: """
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Closure {#305}
      15. Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatchToRoute() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->runRouteWithinStack(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:699: """
            $response = $this->runRouteWithinStack($route, $request);\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Route {#223}
          1 => Request {#40}
      14. Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatch() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatchToRoute(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:675: """
            $response = $this->dispatchToRoute($request);\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      13. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatch(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php:246: """
                return $this->router->dispatch($request);\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      12. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      11. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:52: """
            try {\n
                return call_user_func($destination, $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#28
            class: "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel"
            this: Kernel {#25 …}
            parameters: {
              $request: {}
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php"
            line: "243 to 247"
          1 => Request {#40}
      10. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/CheckForMaintenanceMode.php:44: """
                return $next($request);\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      9. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle(): {
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40}
          1 => Closure {#147
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#30 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $destination: Closure {#28}
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "50 to 58"
      8. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
                return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => &145 array:2 [
            0 => CheckForMaintenanceMode {#241
              #app: Application {#3}
            1 => "handle"
          1 => &146 array:2 [
            0 => Request {#40}
            1 => Closure {#147}
      7. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      6. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
                return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#237
            class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#30 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#147}
              $pipe: "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php"
            line: "114 to 137"
          1 => Request {#40}
      5. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      4. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then() ==> call_user_func(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:103: """
                    array_reduce($pipes, $this->getSlice(), $firstSlice), $this->passable\n
        args: array:2 [
          0 => Closure {#236
            class: "Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline"
            this: Pipeline {#30 …}
            parameters: {
              $passable: {}
            use: {
              $stack: Closure {#147}
              $pipe: "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode"
            file: "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php"
            line: "28 to 38"
          1 => Request {#40}
      3. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php:132: """
                            ->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware)\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Closure {#28}
      2. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->handle() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php:99: """
                $response = $this->sendRequestThroughRouter($request);\n
            } catch (Exception $e) {\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
      1. {main} ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->handle(): {
        src: {
          /home/chilea09/public_html/index.php:54: """
                $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()\n
        args: array:1 [
          0 => Request {#40}
  #severity: E_ERROR
  -trace: {
    64. Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->handleViewException() ==> new ErrorException(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php:12: """
          <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4">\n
            <img src="<?php echo e(asset($item->image)); ?>" class="img-responsive center-block" alt="">\n
    63. Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath() ==> Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->handleViewException(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/PhpEngine.php:44: """
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
              $this->handleViewException($e, $obLevel);\n
          } catch (Throwable $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => ErrorException {#418}
        1 => 1
    62. Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get() ==> Illuminate\View\Engines\PhpEngine->evaluatePath(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:59: """
          // which have been rendered for right exception messages to be generated.\n
          $results = $this->evaluatePath($compiled, $data);\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => &108 "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/storage/framework/views/c38ba152b8a69222bcb81434a877ff2e413b9be5.php"
        1 => &109 array:5 [&109]
    61. Illuminate\View\View->getContents() ==> Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/View.php:149: """
              return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => &110 "/home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/resources/views/public/item/detail.blade.php"
        1 => &111 array:5 [&111]
    60. Illuminate\View\View->renderContents() ==> Illuminate\View\View->getContents(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/View.php:120: """
          $contents = $this->getContents();\n
      args: []
    59. Illuminate\View\View->render() ==> Illuminate\View\View->renderContents(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/View.php:85: """
          try {\n
              $contents = $this->renderContents();\n
      args: []
    58. Illuminate\Http\Response->setContent() ==> Illuminate\View\View->render(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/Response.php:53: """
          elseif ($content instanceof Renderable) {\n
              $content = $content->render();\n
      args: []
    57. Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response->__construct() ==> Illuminate\Http\Response->setContent(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Response.php:201: """
          $this->headers = new ResponseHeaderBag($headers);\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => View {#390}
    56. Illuminate\Routing\Router->prepareResponse() ==> Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response->__construct(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:1085: """
          } elseif (! $response instanceof SymfonyResponse) {\n
              $response = new Response($response);\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => View {#390}
    55. Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->prepareResponse(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:95: """
                  $request, $this->call($instance, $route, $method)\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40}
        1 => View {#390}
    54. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    53. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:52: """
          try {\n
              return call_user_func($destination, $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#332}
        1 => Request {#40}
    52. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    51. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:103: """
                  array_reduce($pipes, $this->getSlice(), $firstSlice), $this->passable\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#333}
        1 => Request {#40}
    50. Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->callWithinStack() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:96: """
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Closure {#332}
    49. Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->dispatch() ==> Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->callWithinStack(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ControllerDispatcher.php:54: """
              return $this->callWithinStack($instance, $route, $request, $method);\n
      args: array:4 [
        0 => PageController {#335}
        1 => Route {#223}
        2 => Request {#40}
        3 => &116 "detail"
    48. Illuminate\Routing\Route->runController() ==> Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->dispatch(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:174: """
              return (new ControllerDispatcher($this->router, $this->container))\n
                          ->dispatch($this, $request, $class, $method);\n
      args: array:4 [
        0 => Route {#223}
        1 => Request {#40}
        2 => &117 "App\Http\Controllers\xfe\PageController"
        3 => &118 "detail"
    47. Illuminate\Routing\Route->run() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Route->runController(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php:140: """
              return $this->runController($request);\n
          } catch (HttpResponseException $e) {\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    46. Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Route->run(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:724: """
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    45. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    44. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:52: """
          try {\n
              return call_user_func($destination, $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#305}
        1 => Request {#40}
    43. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php:64: """
          ) {\n
              return $this->addCookieToResponse($request, $next($request));\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    42. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken->handle(): {
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40}
        1 => Closure {#304}
    41. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
              return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => &122 array:2 [&122]
        1 => &123 array:2 [&123]
    40. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    39. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
              return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#327}
        1 => Request {#40}
    38. Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Middleware/ShareErrorsFromSession.php:49: """
              return $next($request);\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    37. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession->handle(): {
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40}
        1 => Closure {#306}
    36. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
              return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => &126 array:2 [&126]
        1 => &127 array:2 [&127]
    35. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    34. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
              return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#326}
        1 => Request {#40}
    33. Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Session/Middleware/StartSession.php:64: """
          $response = $next($request);\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    32. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession->handle(): {
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40}
        1 => Closure {#307}
    31. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
              return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => &130 array:2 [&130]
        1 => &131 array:2 [&131]
    30. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    29. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
              return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#317}
        1 => Request {#40}
    28. Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Cookie/Middleware/AddQueuedCookiesToResponse.php:37: """
              $response = $next($request);\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    27. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle(): {
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40}
        1 => Closure {#308}
    26. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
              return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => &134 array:2 [&134]
        1 => &135 array:2 [&135]
    25. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    24. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
              return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#314}
        1 => Request {#40}
    23. Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Cookie/Middleware/EncryptCookies.php:59: """
              return $this->encrypt($next($this->decrypt($request)));\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    22. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies->handle(): {
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40}
        1 => Closure {#309}
    21. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
              return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => &138 array:2 [&138]
        1 => &139 array:2 [&139]
    20. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    19. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
              return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#311}
        1 => Request {#40}
    18. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    17. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:103: """
                  array_reduce($pipes, $this->getSlice(), $firstSlice), $this->passable\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#310}
        1 => Request {#40}
    16. Illuminate\Routing\Router->runRouteWithinStack() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:726: """
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Closure {#305}
    15. Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatchToRoute() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->runRouteWithinStack(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:699: """
          $response = $this->runRouteWithinStack($route, $request);\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Route {#223}
        1 => Request {#40}
    14. Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatch() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatchToRoute(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:675: """
          $response = $this->dispatchToRoute($request);\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    13. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatch(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php:246: """
              return $this->router->dispatch($request);\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    12. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    11. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:52: """
          try {\n
              return call_user_func($destination, $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#28}
        1 => Request {#40}
    10. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/CheckForMaintenanceMode.php:44: """
              return $next($request);\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    9. call_user_func_array() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle(): {
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40}
        1 => Closure {#147}
    8. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() ==> call_user_func_array(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:136: """
              return call_user_func_array([$pipe, $this->method], $parameters);\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => &145 array:2 [&145]
        1 => &146 array:2 [&146]
    7. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    6. Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php:32: """
              return call_user_func($slice($stack, $pipe), $passable);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#237}
        1 => Request {#40}
    5. call_user_func() ==> Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(): {
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    4. Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then() ==> call_user_func(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:103: """
                  array_reduce($pipes, $this->getSlice(), $firstSlice), $this->passable\n
      args: array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#236}
        1 => Request {#40}
    3. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter() ==> Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php:132: """
                          ->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware)\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Closure {#28}
    2. Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->handle() ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/xoni/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php:99: """
              $response = $this->sendRequestThroughRouter($request);\n
          } catch (Exception $e) {\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}
    1. {main} ==> Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->handle(): {
      src: {
        /home/chilea09/public_html/index.php:54: """
              $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()\n
      args: array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40}